Several days ago, I joined the lecture which was talk about English writing in thesis. the speaker that had a lot of experience with English training who is Steve. Before I went there, I hope that could help me understand what the good writer does.
here, He mention about some points of technical writing such as passive sentence, noun-verb problem, overusing it/there, powerful verbs, redundancy problems in context etc..
but let me shocked that isn't all of them, it's another reason that your fledgling will rejected and cost 40% of successful probability which is relationship. what's relationship? you need money to bribe the judge who decides your fate? or you need friends which are judges.
He said, if you have a good sociality in the area of your major research, you will win the game. Why? how about the judge is your best friend and owe you money, how do you think about result of your request.
Yup, end of lecture giving specific & special thinking, your context doesn't directly focus on the techniques to crisis the anchors, sometime you will offend the judges, cause maybe the anchors which are the judges' teachers or friends, how do you think about the result?
Two sides of one coin, don't just look one side of coin. although you have good ideas if you want get name, reality is more important, DON'T BE FOOLISH.